Women's March L.A. 2017-2018

(2017) Hashtags like #IMarchFor, #WomensMarch and #WomensMarchLA are used on social media to crowd source reasons people in Los Angeles and around the world supported the Women's March on Washington and its sister cities' marches.

(2017) A lone supporter escapes the crush by climbing, moments after organizers asked, "Are you ready to march?" when the crowd pushed forward only to realize there wasn't anywhere to go.

(2017) Signs in support of the Women's March came in every flavor. The influence of Hillary Clinton's campaign were overt.

(2017) Popular culture was another outstanding theme - Khia's "My Neck, My Back" seemed to be written perfectly in rhyme and inspired quite a few posters.

(2017) "After today, I'm going to be famous!"
![(2017) The littlest marchers wore "pussy hats," from the Pussy Hat Project - knitting as a political act - or shirts with phrases like, "I [love] Naps but I Stay Woke" or "Future POTUS." ](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5457d5dce4b0b766ab38a0ad/1485198731753-KEM0JJ4T0TWOSOBXMSZH/170121_HMA_6793.jpg)
(2017) The littlest marchers wore "pussy hats," from the Pussy Hat Project - knitting as a political act - or shirts with phrases like, "I [love] Naps but I Stay Woke" or "Future POTUS."

(2017) Carrie Fisher and Princess Leia watched over the march.

(2017) Los Angeles' route started at Pershing Square, went to City Hall and back again. While 750,000 were slowly making their way from Pershing Square, some were having a dance party.

(2017) Only half a block from Pershing Square, roughly an hour into the march, there is no end in sight of the crowd at the front or rear.

(2018) The second Women’s March’s signs reflect the conversations among the marchers: Some are running for office, some are supporting others’ campaigns and some will vote for the first time in the coming elections.

(2018) Social media plays a large part in documenting the day’s activities. Hashtags will help to curate content for recaps of the marches from all over the world.

(2018)The second Women’s March’s signs go beyond words on a flat sheet. Other sign designs included masks, costumes and flags.

(2018) Marchers cite specific reasons for marching. People of color, “white feminism,” Dreamers, reproductive rights, equal opportunities, any and all issues that women felt strongly about are seen and heard.

(2018) The Sikhs of LA return for the second Women’s March to give out free chana masala, or savory chickpeas, and white rice. The demand for food is great so the curry-like dish is scooped from the cauldron by the bucket - literally.

(2018) The Sikhs of LA and the Sikh Welfare Organization return for the second Women’s March to give out free meals and water to marchers.

(2018) Few Trump supporters show up to protest or try to change minds, but those who do are fully committed to their cause. Conservative conspiracy-theory channel “InfoWars” was in the crowd interviewing marchers.

(2018) The peach is back - hair and all. Calls for impeachment are strong at the march.

(2018) The fur babies support the cause too. This pup and her bow headband got many pats on the head and requests for photographs.

(2018) Popular culture influences are felt again as music artists like Beyoncé are quoted.

(2018) This year’s crowd-gathering, panoramic hashtag-reminder is upgraded from a chalkboard, and much more “Insta-worthy.”

(2018) Los Angeles’ Women’s March feels different than last year. The hopefulness is dimming and anger is rising. Calls for impeachment and holding sexual harassers accountable are growing louder. Women want change, fast.

![(2017) The littlest marchers wore "pussy hats," from the Pussy Hat Project - knitting as a political act - or shirts with phrases like, "I [love] Naps but I Stay Woke" or "Future POTUS." ](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5457d5dce4b0b766ab38a0ad/1485198731753-KEM0JJ4T0TWOSOBXMSZH/170121_HMA_6793.jpg)

Images from the 2017 and 2018 Women's Marches in Los Angeles