70 years later

This is a book of interviews and photographs of 13 Japanese-Americans that narrate a timeline of the major events in the relocation of people of Japanese ancestry, beginning in 1941. Their personal memories of internment, military service and opposition to government decisions give depth and alternative perspectives to the overarching subject of what is was like to be Japanese-American during World War II.

Manzanar War Relocation Center, March 2015

Civilian Exclusion Order No. 34 announcing civilian and non-civilian persons of Japanese descent be evacuated from their homes.

Evacuated from Los Angeles, California
Santa Anita Assembly Center
Heart Mountain War Relocation Center, Wyoming

Bill Shishima's Boy Scouts troop at Heart Mountain, July 1944

On Main Street near Union Station

Evacuated from San Francisco, California
Tanforan Assembly Center, California
Topaz War Relocation Center, Utah

Evacuated from San Francisco, California
Pomona Assembly Center, California
Heart Mountain War Relocation Center, Wyoming

Manzanar War Relocation Center, March 2015

Evacuated from Los Angeles, California
Manzanar War Relocation Center, California
Heart Mountain War Relocation Center, Wyoming
U.S. Army Military Intelligence Service Language School

Evacuated from Palo Alto, California
Fresno Assembly Center, California
Jerome War Relocation Center, Arkansas

Manzanar War Relocation Center, March 2015

Evacuated from East Whittier, California
Santa Anita Assembly Center, California
Rohwer War Relocation Center, Arkansas

Those who were not in the stables were on the asphalt.

Santa Anita Assembly Center, March 2015

Evacuated from Los Angeles, California
Pomona Assembly Center, California
Heart Mountain War Relocation Center, Wyoming

Evacuated from Hollywood, California
Pomona Assembly Center, California
Heart Mountain War Relocation Center, Wyoming
Drafted; "Heart Mountain Draft Resister"

Takashi Hoshizaki was one of the prosecuted draft resisters at Heart Mountain after being drafted at age 18. He was drafted again and served in the Korean War.

Voluntarily left Covina, California
Poston War Relocation Center, Arizona
Heart Mountain War Relocation Center, Wyoming

Drafted from Los Angeles, California
U.S. Army Military Intelligence Service Language School
1800th Engineer General Service Battalion

Evacuated from Portland, Oregon
Portland Assembly Center, Oregon
Minidoka War Relocation Center, Idaho

Evacuated from Hawthorne, California
Santa Anita Assembly Center, California
Rohwer War Relocation Center, Arkansas

Evacuated from Los Angeles, California
Santa Anita Assembly Center, California
Heart Mountain War Relocation Center, Wyoming

Manzanar War Relocation Center, March 2015

This is a video a classmate and I produced about my experience photographing an internment camp. Manzanar War Relocation Center is the closest of the 10 camps to my home. I went to photograph for my 70 Year Later project to see if I could begin to imagine what it would be like for my paternal grandparents and 110,000+ others.

The faces from my book created for my college thesis, "70 Years Later: The Japanese-American Internment as Remembered by Those Who Lived Through It," a 117-page documentary photography and first-person book of experiences during WWII.
The book is formatted to be read in-person. Read the preview here.
Contact me if you would like to read it in its entirety.