Wasteland Weekend by Helen Arase

It seems that my updates correspond with publishing dates, projects or life changes.

“Los Angeleno” sent me to Wasteland Weekend, a post-apocalyptic, “Mad Max”-themed festival in the Mojave Desert. The five-day music-festival-meets-rat-rod weekend was intense, but everyone was nice and made sure to keep me hydrated.

I didn’t just take photos this time, I wrote it too. It’s basically all of my voice, which is not what I expect when handing in text, so that’s awesome. Read and look at it here.


“Los Angeleno” didn’t publish everything I gave them so I put some of the photos on my site, here.

There are other updates and other projects, but for now, this is a Wasteland post.

Published on Huffington Post by Helen Arase

A Huffington Post photo editor contacted me about the stripper strike photos I took for Los Angeleno, asking to license two of the photos. I showed him the rest of the take that Los Angeleno didn’t publish and Huff Post took three images. It went up this week with a story.

I feel like I’m having some momentum at the moment - or at least creative momentum - with photographing Pride and working for Los Angeleno on a food story TBA.

I don’t know if I’m at my (visual) best, but I’m having a good time exploring new places, new assignments and working with new editors. I think the only way to get better is to try new things and shoot a bunch of terrible photos and video.

Bring all the work; I’m ready.